Don Shin is the founder and CEO of CrossComm- an award-winning mobile, web, and immersive app development studio with a 20+ year history of deploying innovative technologies to solve the toughest problems and challenges. Under Mr. Shin’s leadership, the Durham, NC-based company has been recognized as one of the leading mobile and AR/VR app developers in the region by, and has been nationally recognized as the Minority Technology Firm of the Year (2015) by the US Dept. of Commerce. Mr. Shin has been a passionate advocate for human-centric user interfaces throughout his career, and is currently interested in exploring the future of XR, spatial computing, and generative AI- and leveraging app innovation to advance social good.
Computers That “Get It”: Using LLMs to Give Software Semantic Understanding
Computers have always been supremely efficient at pushing data around in an agnostic fashion; with Large Language Models (LLMs), software can now gain a semantic understanding of the content being handled. This capability opens up a number of possibilities, semantic search being one of the most broadly and immediately useful.
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